Tuesday, December 2, 2014


I am just going to be honest and put this out there.  It's not easy to be transparent but my hope is that someone can relate and be encouraged by my story. Lately I have been in a funk, for lack of a better word.  There is really no reason for it.  I have just been dealing with a bit of the blues.  The weather doesn't help at all!  Anyway, this morning I decided to open my Bible up to the Psalms.  I read Psalm 73 and verse 26 spoke to me;

"My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever." 

It is so good to know that when we are feeling weak spiritually and physically, God is our strength.  These are the times that He steps in and carries us through.  So, I am going to stand on this and just believe that soon I will start feeling like myself again.  I will come through this time and I will be stronger for it.  I will be able to share encouragement to someone who needs it because I can relate to what they are going through.  I am thankful that in all circumstances, if we choose, we can come out for the better for ourselves and others.  That is what the journey is about.

Coming soon on the blog: James Dalton, the birth story

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Enjoying the now

How hard is it to find joy every single day of life?  Well, for me it is a pretty difficult task.  Even more so now that I'm a few days shy of 39 weeks pregnant.  There are so many days that I've wished away lately just praying that the next I'll be more comfortable or our baby boy will be here.  Sure, I am in pain and I'm ready for him to be here but I also want to enjoy my days and just live them out with joy.  I'm not even promised tomorrow.  Today I made a decision to just really try and enjoy these days until the baby arrives.  Soon, our hearts will welcome one more precious child and our lives will be forever changed.  I don't want to wish the last little bit away with my family of three just because I'm kinda miserable in my current physical state.

I guess I want to encourage all of you, all five of you that read my blog,  to live in the now.  Live on purpose. Make each day count.  Who knows what tomorrow will bring? We can only live in today. There will be hard days we have to get through but nothing gets through the hard times like finding the joy in everyday little things.  I don't know about you but I have a lot to be joyful for.

"Always be joyful, never stop praying. Be thankful in all circumstances, for this is God's will." 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18

Sunday, May 18, 2014

A call to compassion

This morning before our church service began there was a woman found on a picnic table bench a few hundred feet from where we gather that had committed suicide.  I apologize for starting this blog on such a sad note but I have something on my heart that stems from this mornings tragic event.  When I found out what happened I was first shocked and then very heart-broken.  A heaviness descended on my soul and I think it was the same for so many that heard.  I cried for this woman, I cried for her family and I cried for the sense of hopelessness that seems to flood people like this.

I began to think of people I may know who have that sense of hopelessness.  Quite honestly, if you don't know Jesus, you don't have hope.  It made me think about what a poor job I am doing praying earnestly for those same people.  What am I doing in my day to day life that infuses hope in people?  Not enough!

This mornings message was exactly what we all needed to hear.  It was a call to compassion.  Compassion is not a feeling, it is an action.  Compassion brings healing, it encourages, it helps those in need.  This is our calling.

There are people, like this woman, who need it.  Maybe she just needed someone to talk to.  We will  never know.  I pray for her family and friends to be comforted through all of this and we can only hope and pray that our lives begin to radiate such hope that this lie of hopelessness will be cast down.

May we, as believers, step up to our call to compassion.

If you are one of the ones who feel hopeless, I just want you to know that there is hope.  My pastor put it so well this morning.  He said "The only place that there is no hope is hell."  That's so true.  As long as there is breath, there is hope.

Psalm 119:114 "You are my refuge and my shield; your word is my source of hope."

"Out of the darkness we will rise and sing."

Friday, May 9, 2014

An encouraging word to mothers

"We are God's masterpiece.  He has created us new in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago." Ephesians 2:10

I thought of this verse this morning as I was thinking about all the moms out there.  I could really just stop here and this verse would be encouraging enough but I'll go on and share what's in my heart.  Truth is, if you are a mother, you need all the encouragement you can get.  We don't get it from our children usually, especially if they are babies or toddlers and don't even know what the word encouragement even means yet. 

In the short time that I have been a mom I have already experienced discouragement and even failure in the area of raising my daughter.  I know I am hard on myself and I compare myself to many wonderful moms I know out there, so it is my fault for ever getting discouraged in this department.  I've come to realize that I will make mistakes when it comes to parenting and being a wife but it's not the mistakes that we should be focusing on, it is how we handle the mistakes.  We pick ourselves up, swallow our pride and apologize.  Then, we walk in faith that we are being perfected by the Perfect one.  We walk in grace, knowing that we are forgiven.  We are God's masterpiece.  A long, long time ago he had you picked out to be the mother of your child/children and he knew what he was doing.

No matter if you are a new mom or if all your children are grown, just remember that you are God's masterpiece!  Don't focus on what you did in the past, the way your friends parent, the way the media tells you your kids should be, focus on the here and the now.  Cherish your children, cherish the fact that you were chosen to carry this great honor of raising the future.  What seems like a thankless job at times really is an investment into something so great. 

I am honored to know so many wonderful mother's, including mine.  Thank you Marmi for always being there and loving me even when I was difficult.  Thank you to my grandma who raised four children and even had a hand at raising me and even leading me to the Lord.  Thank you to my mother-in-law who raised an amazing son who loves his family deep, you did good. Thank you to my friend Carey, who I look up to as a super-mom.  You are a great example of a mom with so much grace and fun to boot!

Lastly, thank you to my sweet daughter.  Your love of life and compassionate heart has changed me in so many ways.  I never knew a love quite like this before you came along. 

Thursday, March 20, 2014

It is well

"When peace like a river attendeth my way, 
  when sorrow like sea billows roll;
  whatever my lot, Thou has taught me to say, 
   It is well, it is well with my soul." 

This is one of my favorite songs, especially love hearing Selah sing it.  Tonight I sang it to Raleigh and I felt peace and hope come over me.  My close friends know what's been going on in my life these past few weeks and I gotta say, it has been interesting.  I've went from feeling sad to, questioning if I did the right thing. From "it will be alright" to, "will it?"  Lots of emotions.  I will say this, if anyone has an amazing support group, it is me!  I am so thankful for everyone around me.  

I've been asking myself the question, "how much do I really trust the Lord?"  Do I believe that God, who started a good work in me will finish it? (Philippians 1:6)  Do I believe His love for me?  Am I casting all my worries and cares on Him?  I would like to think that I do a great job in trusting.  I am really good at telling others they should just trust.  Anyone else?  

I feel like the things that have happened these past few weeks have stirred something up in me to want to trust more.  Tuesday evening I went to a type of small group called "the stories we tell" and the lady telling her story was a great woman of faith.  One thing she said that stuck to me like glue   was when something negative happened she got so excited because it was an opportunity to see God's hand at work.  I was wowed by that.  I want to be that woman of faith that stands up in the face of adversity and trust that the God of the universe loves me enough to take care of every situation! He restores better than original.  It may not be how we planned or the timing we expected but it will happen if we just believe.  

So, the point in the song is to say that no matter what is going on, I have hope.  There will be seasons of hardships and seasons of amazing times.  Either way, it is well with my soul.   

Romans 8:37 "Despite all these things, overwhelming victory is ours through Christ, who loves us."

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Be restored

Tonight I had a sweet little song come to my mind as I rocked Raleigh for bedtime.

"You've taken my shame and called me by a new name.  You've taken my pain and in its place you give me joy.  You bring restoration, you bring restoration, you bring restoration to my soul."

Such a simple song. Such sweet words.  How true those words ring in my heart.  I love how He reminds me of all the ways He has shown His love for me.  This song is an anthem to my life.  If you have read my blogs or know me you know why.

So tonight, my purpose in this blog is to remind you that if you are in a season of pain, shame, guilt, disappointment, etc, He knows!  He is there to make you whole, to restore you to better than original. I can't tell you how or when but if you believe and receive, He is faithful.  One thing you must remember and it is a hard thing to do but you have to let it go in order for it to be healed and restored.  You let it go and give it to Him.  You are not strong enough to hold on to it yourself.

I will leave you with this verse, my favorite of all time.

Zephaniah 3:17 "The Lord your God is with you, a mighty savior.  He will take delight in you with gladness.  With His love, he will calm all your fears.  He will rejoice over you with joyful songs."

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Releasing the power within

This morning I heard a great message from one of our Pastor's, Brian Early.  He did an amazing job and he stirred something inside of me that apparently is already there.  Honestly, I already knew these things.  As a believer I hear this stuff and I read the scriptures but I forget so easily.  "The same God that raised Jesus from the dead is living in us."(Romans 8:11)  Really?!  This is amazing news.  This means that we already have the fruits of the spirit, we have peace, we have victory, healing, everything we ever need!  If the living God is living inside of me and inside of every believer, why are we so defeated all the time? 

 One quote that Brian said was, "Christians are dying of thirst and they are surrounded by water."  We have the resource (Jesus) in us, so let us live like it.  It does not mean that we are never going to have problems, but how about a little joy and peace when those problems come along?  I see so many believers that are so miserable all the time and they wonder why their situations won't change or their family and friends don't want to come to God.  I am not judging friends, I have been there and I have days still when I feel defeated.  What if we all tapped into the power within us?  It would change not only our world but it would change those around us!  Isn't that what we are here for? 

It is not about feelings either people.  Sometimes feelings get in the way of truth. No, it's not about feelings, it is about FAITH.  This whole walk is about FAITH.  That is why it is so important not to go with our feelings.  He mentioned people who say "I really felt God in that church."  His response was "Where was He before?"  If He is inside of us His presence is always with us and in us. 

The best and saddest part of the message for me was a visualization that he gave.  He was saying, "what if I came to your house and knocked but you didn't open the door?  I came on in and followed you around while you were going about your normal routine.  You never spoke a word to me, didn't even acknowledge that I was there all week.  On Sunday you come to church and you start saying, "Hey Brian! I've missed you, you are great."  Then you start singing praises to me." 

I hope I did that justice.  When he was telling that I had tears in my eyes.  How many times have I ignored the savior?  How many times have I needed peace and not accepted it when He has already freely given?  I know that He loves me no matter what.  I do.  He loves you too.  NO MATTER WHAT!  How is this not a call for us want to love Him back?  He's so good, He has freely given us all things, He loves us just because we are His children.  

This is a challenge.  A challenge to release the gifts that have been given to us.  A challenge to talk with Him all through the day and not just talk but be aware that He is there.  A challenge to walk in a way that speaks so much joy, love and peace! There are people around us that need it so badly.  

"To live by the spirit means to be continually conscious that he is always in you."