Sunday, January 12, 2014

Releasing the power within

This morning I heard a great message from one of our Pastor's, Brian Early.  He did an amazing job and he stirred something inside of me that apparently is already there.  Honestly, I already knew these things.  As a believer I hear this stuff and I read the scriptures but I forget so easily.  "The same God that raised Jesus from the dead is living in us."(Romans 8:11)  Really?!  This is amazing news.  This means that we already have the fruits of the spirit, we have peace, we have victory, healing, everything we ever need!  If the living God is living inside of me and inside of every believer, why are we so defeated all the time? 

 One quote that Brian said was, "Christians are dying of thirst and they are surrounded by water."  We have the resource (Jesus) in us, so let us live like it.  It does not mean that we are never going to have problems, but how about a little joy and peace when those problems come along?  I see so many believers that are so miserable all the time and they wonder why their situations won't change or their family and friends don't want to come to God.  I am not judging friends, I have been there and I have days still when I feel defeated.  What if we all tapped into the power within us?  It would change not only our world but it would change those around us!  Isn't that what we are here for? 

It is not about feelings either people.  Sometimes feelings get in the way of truth. No, it's not about feelings, it is about FAITH.  This whole walk is about FAITH.  That is why it is so important not to go with our feelings.  He mentioned people who say "I really felt God in that church."  His response was "Where was He before?"  If He is inside of us His presence is always with us and in us. 

The best and saddest part of the message for me was a visualization that he gave.  He was saying, "what if I came to your house and knocked but you didn't open the door?  I came on in and followed you around while you were going about your normal routine.  You never spoke a word to me, didn't even acknowledge that I was there all week.  On Sunday you come to church and you start saying, "Hey Brian! I've missed you, you are great."  Then you start singing praises to me." 

I hope I did that justice.  When he was telling that I had tears in my eyes.  How many times have I ignored the savior?  How many times have I needed peace and not accepted it when He has already freely given?  I know that He loves me no matter what.  I do.  He loves you too.  NO MATTER WHAT!  How is this not a call for us want to love Him back?  He's so good, He has freely given us all things, He loves us just because we are His children.  

This is a challenge.  A challenge to release the gifts that have been given to us.  A challenge to talk with Him all through the day and not just talk but be aware that He is there.  A challenge to walk in a way that speaks so much joy, love and peace! There are people around us that need it so badly.  

"To live by the spirit means to be continually conscious that he is always in you."

1 comment:

  1. Ahh!!! I am just seeing this cause I'm not on social media right now :( I love this so much...and I'm thankful to get to watch you run after The Lord! Love you Wendy...something big!
