Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Enjoying the now

How hard is it to find joy every single day of life?  Well, for me it is a pretty difficult task.  Even more so now that I'm a few days shy of 39 weeks pregnant.  There are so many days that I've wished away lately just praying that the next I'll be more comfortable or our baby boy will be here.  Sure, I am in pain and I'm ready for him to be here but I also want to enjoy my days and just live them out with joy.  I'm not even promised tomorrow.  Today I made a decision to just really try and enjoy these days until the baby arrives.  Soon, our hearts will welcome one more precious child and our lives will be forever changed.  I don't want to wish the last little bit away with my family of three just because I'm kinda miserable in my current physical state.

I guess I want to encourage all of you, all five of you that read my blog,  to live in the now.  Live on purpose. Make each day count.  Who knows what tomorrow will bring? We can only live in today. There will be hard days we have to get through but nothing gets through the hard times like finding the joy in everyday little things.  I don't know about you but I have a lot to be joyful for.

"Always be joyful, never stop praying. Be thankful in all circumstances, for this is God's will." 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18