Sunday, December 1, 2013

Tis the season

Today I got a little emotional while putting the decorations on the tree.  A very strange sentiment while doing something I love to do.  Lately that has been happening to me a lot.  See, recently my Pastor has asked me to share my story as part of a series we are doing this month called "The Christmas Story."  Today we heard from an amazing guy with an incredible story of how God rescued him from a path that certainly was destructive.  It was a very encouraging message.  I love to hear people say "don't lose hope on people."  We all have been in need of rescuing and I'm so thankful for the people who didn't give up on me. 

Now, back to where I was going with this.  Ever since Pastor Derek asked me to speak I've been taken back to my past.  There are so many memories that I had put in a file that was labeled "do not open" and I was planning on keeping it that way.  It has brought up a few good memories but mostly a lot of bad ones.  It has not been a fun process but I feel like it has been something that has been needed to bring healing in areas that I didn't even know needed healing.  

This morning my pastor mentioned that a person's testimony is not just for that person to remember and be thankful but it's for others.  When we share our stories, God's presence is released.  Those words gave me courage.  Courage to share things I'm not proud of, things that made me feel such pain and even a story of complete restoration and healing of my body.  

So, tonight as I decorated our tree, I was overwhelmed with thankfulness.  I'm so thankful that I have been rescued by God.  I'm thankful that I have a husband that loves me unconditionally, and a daughter who means the world to me.  I am so blessed.  Never once when I was a little girl in my bed, praying my daddy wouldn't kill my mama in a drunken rage, did I think that God had a plan for me that included such blessings. I'm so glad I serve a good and loving God.

1 comment:

  1. So proud of you! You inspire this pastor to keep going!
