Thursday, March 20, 2014

It is well

"When peace like a river attendeth my way, 
  when sorrow like sea billows roll;
  whatever my lot, Thou has taught me to say, 
   It is well, it is well with my soul." 

This is one of my favorite songs, especially love hearing Selah sing it.  Tonight I sang it to Raleigh and I felt peace and hope come over me.  My close friends know what's been going on in my life these past few weeks and I gotta say, it has been interesting.  I've went from feeling sad to, questioning if I did the right thing. From "it will be alright" to, "will it?"  Lots of emotions.  I will say this, if anyone has an amazing support group, it is me!  I am so thankful for everyone around me.  

I've been asking myself the question, "how much do I really trust the Lord?"  Do I believe that God, who started a good work in me will finish it? (Philippians 1:6)  Do I believe His love for me?  Am I casting all my worries and cares on Him?  I would like to think that I do a great job in trusting.  I am really good at telling others they should just trust.  Anyone else?  

I feel like the things that have happened these past few weeks have stirred something up in me to want to trust more.  Tuesday evening I went to a type of small group called "the stories we tell" and the lady telling her story was a great woman of faith.  One thing she said that stuck to me like glue   was when something negative happened she got so excited because it was an opportunity to see God's hand at work.  I was wowed by that.  I want to be that woman of faith that stands up in the face of adversity and trust that the God of the universe loves me enough to take care of every situation! He restores better than original.  It may not be how we planned or the timing we expected but it will happen if we just believe.  

So, the point in the song is to say that no matter what is going on, I have hope.  There will be seasons of hardships and seasons of amazing times.  Either way, it is well with my soul.   

Romans 8:37 "Despite all these things, overwhelming victory is ours through Christ, who loves us."

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