Sunday, October 6, 2013


Yesterday was a beautiful day.  Some of our forever friends and my family drove up to Hendersonville to surprise one of my most favorite people.  We all grew up together in youth group, aside from a few spouses.  Steve and Shelly were our youth pastors for several years and we all still adore them.  As I was writing in Shelly's card I started to think about all they had done for us and I have to say I was overwhelmed.  They spoke the word into us and prayed over us at a time in life that is so pivotal.  Teenage years!  Last night we didn't get home until midnight and I joked with Shelly about not knowing how they made it all those years staying up late, especially with two small kids.  Now that I'm an adult I feel like I can truly appreciate that!

Last night as I was getting ready for bed I started thinking about seasons.  Some are short, some seem to last forever.  Some may be easy breezy, while some may leave us gasping for air.  In the past few years I can attest that Daniel and I have been through several seasons and many of those were difficult.  There was even a time last year that I didn't want to live anymore.  Thankfully that was a very, very small season.  It's shocking even now as I'm writing it out.  I let my circumstances cloud all the lovely blessings in my life.  My perspective was way off and I certainly wasn't looking for the joy in the situation. Eventually I tapped into God's love and grace and was restored.  

I just want to encourage someone that may be in one of those difficult seasons to look up! Be encouraged! There's a new season coming.  If we can choose to focus on the good things I believe we can always walk in a season of peace and hope.  If we can change our perspective, I believe it will change our lives completely.  We never know who will be changed by the way we walk through a season.  Let's not live life in a hurry through every season. Let's learn to find the joy in each circumstance. 
"Fix your thoughts on what is true, and honorable, and right, and pure, and lovely and admirable.  Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise." Philippians 4:8

I'm so thankful for the way Steve and Shelly walked through their season at LCOG.  My life and many others were so enriched by them in ways that I'm sure they never even thought was possible at the time.

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