Sunday, August 11, 2013

A piece of my heart.

Life lately has been kinda busy.  I feel like the week ends as soon as it begins.  I try to savor each moment with my family and really capture the sweetest things.  I'm trying to be more thankful.  It doesn't always workout but I'm doing a better job of reminding myself.  Recently I heard about a book called "Sparkling green earrings" by Melanie Shankle.  Love, love, love this book.  I finished it in three days which could explain why my floors are still dirty.  Hey, I did get to the laundry!

Anyways, back to the book.  It's a book about motherhood.  Imagine that.  About a year ago I  jumped into that role.  It certainly wasn't what I expected at all.  It was so much more.  I thank God every day  for what a joy my daughter is and how thankful I am that I was chosen to be her mom.  I have gotten such a glimpse into the Father's love for me by being a mother to her.  It's not always easy.  If you are a mother you know this all too well.  In fact, just the past two weeks she's been waking up every night again.  I suspect teething.  Nothing is more frustrating to me than getting woken up from the best sleep to try and figure out what's wrong with this little person.

It was 1:30 am last Friday when she awoke.  I got up, gave her a bottle (don't judge, I'll do whatever it takes to get her back to sleep), and she drifted back to sleep.  As soon as I got nice and comfy in the bed I hear her in the monitor.  Really?!  At this time I woke Daniel up to ask him what I should do.  I hate waking him up but I only do it in my weakest moments.  He is always so helpful and I am very thankful for the kind of loving dad he is.  So, he went in to try and get her back to sleep to no avail.  Back and forth we went until about 3am.  In a moment of desperation I brought her to our bed thinking surely she would fall asleep in my loving arms.  You can only imagine how aggravated we both were at this point.  It's not just frustrating that it is 3am but the fact that we do not know why she refuses to go back to sleep is enough to make you crazy.

So here we are, she's cuddling with mommy.  I actually loved the feeling of her snuggled next to me. I'm thinking "we are just gonna fall asleep together and it's gonna be so sweet."  Ha! That's when she looked up at the ceiling fan , pointed and quoted her famous question "whassat?"  I just starting laughing.  Daniel, on the other hand, did not think it was funny.  I think he can laugh about it now.  Somewhere around 4am she was sound asleep in her bed until about 9am.  Which is the reason I got to read so much.  So, it worked out in the end.

My point in all this is that there is grace and joy in every situation.  At the moment I was not feeling it much but I can see it now.  I'm still hoping she sleeps through the night again very soon but until then, I will get some extra snuggles and time loving on my girl.  She won't be a baby forever.

I'll leave you with one of my favorite quotes from the book:

"Looking back, the sweetest things are often the hardest things.  They teach you a level of sacrifice you didn't know you were capable of, and for me, having a child was the beginning of a glimpse into the kind of love Christ has for us.  Sacrificial love.  Love that doesn't keep score.  Love that isn't dependent on what's in it for me.  Love that is consuming and protective and unconditional."

I pray that I can be the best mom to little Raleigh Quinn.  I also pray that I can give this kind of love out to others.  This is the Father's heart.

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